Most Common Questions
How to Season Your Grill
Cure grill prior to your initial use to protect the interior and exterior finish, cooking grates, and to prevent unnatural flavors to your first meals.
1. Lightly coat ALL INTERIOR SURFACES (including grills, grates, and inside of barrel.) with vegetable oil (spray vegetable oil is easiest but do not use near hot coals or fire).
2. Build a medium sized fire on the fire grate. Always put charcoal on top of the fire grate and not directly into the bottom of the grill.
3. After coals ash over, spread out coals, replace cooking grates, close
lid and heat at approximately 250° F for two hours.
4. Remove grates from the grill with oven mitts, allow to cool, then
re-coat grates and return to grill at approximately 200° F for two hours.
5. You can lightly coat the exterior of the grill body (while warm) with
vegetable oil. This will extend the life of the finish, much like waxing a car.
Your grill is now ready for use.
Note: We find it helpful to keep a spray bottle of 100% vegetable oil by the grill and give the entire grill a light coat after each use. Depending on how often the grill is used, will determine how often the Seasoning Process needs to be repeated. Seasoning the grill is NOT a one-time process and is best repeated at least twice a year.
How to Season Cast Iron Grates
1. Using a paper towel or brush, brush the grill grates with cooking oil. We recommend vegetable oil, grapeseed oil, or bacon fat. After the grates are coated, you can place them in a 400-degree oven for an hour or on a 400-degree grill for 40 minutes. After time is up, let the grates cool down naturally.
2. It is recommended to regularly season your grill grates, especially when they are new. After you are done grilling, allow the grill to cool slightly and then get any burnt on residue off the grates with a grill brush or scraper. You can also use half an onion to clean off your grill grates.
3. After you have scraped the grill, dip a paper towel in vegetable oil or bacon grease and rub the paper towel all over the grates using a pair of tongs. Make four to five passes with the oil to ensure proper seasoning.
How to clean out your ash pan
Remove the grates from the grill, lift out the easy dump ash pan and dump the ashes into an empty metal bucket or metal trash can. Make sure to tap the pan once or twice to ensure that all the ashes are removed from the ash pan.
How to prevent grease fires
Keep your grill clean. Make sure that you are regularly cleaning out the ash pan and emptying the grease cup of the grill. Keep your grates clean and free of debris as these can be fuel for flare ups.
How to install ignitor battery
1. Unscrew the Igniter Push Button
2. Drop the "AA" Battery positive side up into the Pulse Ignition Kit.
3. Screw the Push Button back in place.
How to Remove Water in the Thermometer
The easiest way to remove any moisture from the thermometer is to remove the thermometer from the grill, (simply unscrew the wing nut from the back of the thermometer) bring it into the house, and preheat your oven to 350 degrees. You'll need a casserole dish with a lid. Place the thermometer in the casserole dish, cover with the lid and bake for 30 minutes. Once you pull the casserole dish out of the oven, allow it cool for 30 minutes and it's ready to install back in the hood of your grill.
What's the Shoulder Bolt?
In some of the owner's manuals, the hinge pin is referred to as the Shoulder bolt. They are the same thing.
Charcoal Grills
How to build a fire
There are a few methods to light your charcoal grill, depending on the materials you prefer to use. Using a charcoal chimney is the Char-Griller® preferred method for speed and convenience but igniting your lump charcoal or briquettes directly in the grill is a great way to get cooking as well.
Charcoal Chimney
1. Remove your grill grates and set them to side
2. Fill your charcoal chimney ¾ of the way full with briquettes or lump charcoal
3. Set fire starter on charcoal grate, light and then place the charcoal chimney directly on top of the fire starter
4. Coals will fire upward from bottom to top
5. After coals on top of chimney are ignited (usually 10-15 minutes) dump the coals over the charcoal grate and replace your grill grates
Fire Starters
1. Remove your grill grates and set them to side
2. Pour approximately 3lbs (approx. 50-60 briquettes) of charcoal directly on to your charcoal grate and stack together in a pile
3. Insert fire starter into the middle of the charcoal pile so that it is slightly covered and light
4. After the charcoal has thoroughly ignited, typically glowing red or gray in color, use tongs to spread them out and replace your grill grates
Do not use lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or other accelerant for lighting charcoal due to flammability, risk of bodily injury and potential to leave a distasteful flavor in your food.
If necessary, use tongs to move coals for even heat.
Always wear gloves when handling grill grates, charcoal grate, or adjusting coals
How to adjust your damper
Controlling the temperature of your grill is all about controlling the air flow to the fire. MORE AIR = MORE HEAT. LESS AIR = LESS HEAT. By opening and closing the top and side dampers, you can easily control the temperature of your grill. The amount of charcoal used when grilling can also greatly impact your ability to control temperature. Dampers may need to be adjusted during the cook to account for changes in weather like wind or to accommodate for more or less fuel. When first learning how to operate your grill, always use the same amount of charcoal to best learn your grill's damper control.
How to attach the side fire box
Installing the Side Fire Box on your Char-Griller Grill is really simple and takes about 10 minutes. This brief video shows you how it's done.
How to use wood
There are a variety of different types of wood that can be used with charcoal. We will outline the basic guidelines for each type:
Wood Chips
Allow wood chips to soak overnight or at least for one hour for best results. Add a handful over ignited charcoal and add more every hour or so until desired results are achieved.
Wood Chunks
Wood chunks can be dispersed throughout the charcoal or added on top. We do not recommend using more than two to three chunks at a time. Chunks should be about half the size of an apple. Add more chunks every two hours or until desired results are achieved.
Logs can be added on top of ignited charcoal and should smolder when added to the coals. We recommend split logs for the best experience.
Use care when smoking, woods should SMOLDER, not erupt in open flame. Flaming wood may cause damage to grill if temperatures exceed 400°F
Gas Grills
Grill not lighting
Press the ignitor button on the Pulse Ignition Kit. Do you hear a clicking sound?
1. Yes: Try replacing the battery. See “How to replace ignitor battery”.
2. No: The Pulse Ignition Kit needs to be replaced. Please contact us via our Contact Form
Ignitor not working - How to Replace Battery
1. Unscrew the Igniter Push Button
2. Drop the "AA" Battery positive side up into the Pulse Ignition Kit.
3. Screw the Push Button back in place.
Ignitor not working - How to Replace Pulse Ignition Kit
1. Reach under the control Panel and gently pull the Sparker Wires from the back of the Pulse Ignition Kit.
2. Unscrew the Igniter Push Button
3. Note: Before you unscrew the collar, place your hand under the control panel to hold the Pulse Igniter box, preventing it from falling.
4. Unscrew the Collar just below the Igniter Push Button
5. Once the Collar is removed the Pulse Ignition Kit will drop out.
6. Plug the Sparker Tip Wires into the NEW Pulse Ignition Kit
7. Push the threaded portion of the NEW Pulse Ignition Kit through the hole in the Control Panel from the just under the Control Panel
8. Screw the Collar onto the New Igniter
9. Drop a "AA" Battery, positive side up into the Pulse Ignition Kit
10. Screw the Push Button back in place.
How to season your gas grill
1. Coat the interior hood, body, and cooking grates with 100% oil (Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil, Flax Seed Oil, or Shortening).
2. Turn One burner on Medium heat until you get the grill to 350 degrees, then drop the one burner to Low.
3. Let it go for 45 minutes to an hour. Hint: until it's no longer smoking.
4. Allow the grill to cool enough to add another coating of oil.
5. Repeat this process two more times. You will clearly see that hard, shiny, polymer coating.
Why to season your gas grill
The liquid propane used in gas grills can sometimes cause water condensation inside the grill so it's really important that you season your gas grill or the gas side of your dual fuel grill to protect the steel from rust.
Flames not high on gas burners
1. Turn off all 4 burners, turn off the propane tank then disconnect the regulator from the tank.
2. With the tank disconnected, turn all burners (including the side burner) on high and leave them there for 5 minutes. This will bleed the grill out.
3. After 5-minutes, turn all burners back off and reconnect the propane tank.
4. SLOWLY turn the tank back on and then the burners. NOTE: In most cases, the safety feature is activated because the tank or burners have been turned on too quickly. These steps should remedy the problem.
5. If this does NOT resolve the problem the Regulator Hose may need to be replaced. Please contact Char-Griller Customer Service.
How to control temperature on gas grill
1. To preheat the grill, we recommend turning one to two burners on medium. This will typically maintain a temperature around 325 to 350 °F.
2. For indirect heat, we recommend turning one burner to medium and cooking on the opposite side of the ignited burner.
3. Leaving all three burners on high can cause the grill to overheat so do so with caution.
Offset Smokers
Guide to building a fire
There are a few methods to light your charcoal grill, depending on the materials you prefer to use. Using a charcoal chimney is the Char-Griller® preferred method for speed and convenience but igniting your lump charcoal or briquettes directly in the grill is a great way to get cooking as well.
Charcoal Chimney
1. Fill your charcoal chimney ¾ of the way full with briquettes or lump charcoal
2. Set fire starter on charcoal grate, light and then place the charcoal chimney directly on top of the fire starter
3. Coals will fire upward from bottom to top
4. After coals on top of chimney are ignited (usually 10-15 minutes) dump the coals over the charcoal grate and replace your grill grates
Fire Starters
1. Pour approximately 1/2 pound (approx. 15 briquettes) of charcoal directly on to your charcoal grate and stack together in a pile
2. Insert fire starter into the middle of the charcoal pile so that it is slightly covered and light
3. After the charcoal has thoroughly ignited, typically glowing red or gray in color, use tongs to spread them out and replace your grill grates
Do not use lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or other accelerant for lighting charcoal due to flammability, risk of bodily injury and potential to leave a distasteful flavor in your food.
If necessary, use tongs to move coals for even heat.
Always wear gloves when handling grill grates, charcoal grate, or adjusting coals
How much fuel to use
We recommend using half a Charcoal Chimney or about 15 briquettes in the Side Fire Box for the best results.
Always add ignited charcoal to the Side Fire Box should you need more fuel. Adding unlit charcoal can put out your coals.
Another method to try is adding 15 to 20 unlit briquettes to the left side of the Side Fire Box and dumping the lit charcoal directly to the right of the unlit charcoal. The lit charcoal will gradually light the unlit charcoal giving you a longer burn
How to use the dampers to regulate temperatures
Controlling the temperature of your grill is all about controlling the air flow to the fire. MORE AIR = MORE HEAT. LESS AIR = LESS HEAT. By opening and closing the top and side dampers, you can easily control the temperature of your grill. The amount of charcoal used when grilling can also greatly impact your ability to control temperature. Dampers may need to be adjusted during the cook to account for changes in weather like wind or to accommodate for more or less fuel. When first learning how to operate your grill, always use the same amount of charcoal to best learn your grill's damper control.
How to sand and repaint Side Fire box
If the Side Fire Box exceeds 400 °F with the lid closed, paint damage can occur. Thankfully, that paint damage Is easily fixed.
Remove any loose paint, sand down the affected area and use a good high heat paint, such as Rustoleum for touch-ups. Rustoleum #241169 is a great match for our powder coat.
Side Fire Box Spacer Tubes
There are three sets of Spacer Tubes. The side firebox comes with the spacer tubes for 2121, 2222, 1224, ad 2123.
- Outlaw grill, model 2137 you need spacer tubes, part number 550070 - 2 inch hex bolt 500024.
- Grillin' Pro, model 3001 you need spacer tubes, part number 550072. No extra bolt needed.
- Duo Grill, model 5050, and the original spacer tubes were too long, you need spacer tubes, 4 of part number 550072. No extra bolt should be needed.
- Duo 2-Burner Grill, model 5030, you need spacer tubes, part number 550071 and 501011 2 1/4-inch hex bolts. Thread the bolt through the leg brace side into the side firebox.
- Double Play & Dual Function Grill, models 5650 and 5072, you need spacer tubes 550071 and hex bolt 501011 (2.25 inches)
Please Contact Customer Service if you have any model other than the 2121, 2222, 1224, and 2123. Any of our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to assist you with sending out the correct spacers. Please have your serial number handy.
Another cause of this issue is if the knockout damper plate between the endplate on the grill and the firebox was not removed. If this is the case, break out the plate and re-install the Fire Box
AKORN® Kamado Grills
How to season AKORN
Cure grill prior to your initial use to protect the interior and exterior finish, cooking grates, and to prevent unnatural flavors to your first meals.
1. Lightly coat ALL INTERIOR SURFACES (including grills, grates, and inside of barrel.) with vegetable oil (spray vegetable oil is easiest but do not use near hot coals or fire).
2. Build a medium sized fire on the fire grate. Always put charcoal on top of the fire grate and not directly into the bottom of the grill.
3. After coals ash over, spread out coals, replace cooking grates, close lid and heat at approximately 250° F for two hours.
4. Remove grates from the grill with oven mitts, allow to cool, then re-coat grates and return to grill at approximately 200° F for two hours.
5. You can lightly coat the exterior of the grill body (while warm) with vegetable oil. This will extend the life of the finish, much like waxing a car. Your grill is now ready for use.
Note: We find it helpful to keep a spray bottle of 100% vegetable oil by the grill and give the entire grill a light coat after each use. Depending on how often the grill is used, will determine how often the Seasoning Process needs to be repeated. Seasoning the grill is NOT a one-time process and is best repeated at least twice a year
How to clean out AKORN ash pan
Keeping the AKORN ash pan clean is a important step to helping it last season after season.
To remove the ash pan, wait until the grill has fully cooled down, un-hook the latches that hold the ash pan to the body of the grill and slide the ash pan out towards you. Empty the ash pan into a dedicated metal ash bucket. Make sure to tap the ash pan to ensure all the ash gets removed. The reattach the ash pan to the grill.
Empty the ash pan after each cook to prevent rust.
How much fuel to use
For LOW, SLOW and LONG grilling & Smoking (200° to 350° F)
Use approximately one pound of computer mouse size or larger size pieces of lump charcoal to build fire in center of fire grate. When coals ignite, close lid and begin to regulate temperature with dampers to desired setting.
For HIGH Temp SEARING & grilling (350° to 650° F)
Use approximately two - three pounds of mostly smaller golf ball size pieces of lump charcoal than normally to build fire in center of fire grate. When coals ignite, close lid and begin to regulate temperature with dampers to desired setting.
How to cool the AKORN down after it's too hot
Black Debris Flaking from AKORN Lid
The AKORN lids, body, and fire bowl are porcelain-coated. Grease and carbon will build-up on the lid and in the damper. It may look like peeling paint but it is just carbon build up. It simply needs to be cleaned. You can scrape down the lid or use warm soapy water to remove the carbon build-up. and dry the surface with a cloth or paper towel and make sure to re-season the AKORN lid after washing.
Dual Fuel Grills
How to Season - Gas Side
1. Coat the interior hood, body, and cooking grates with 100% oil (Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil, Flax Seed Oil, or Shortening).
2. Turn One burner on Medium heat until you get the grill to 350 °F, then drop the one burner to Low.
3. Let it go for 45 minutes to an hour. Hint: until it's no longer smoking.
4. Allow the grill to cool enough to add another coating of oil.
5. Repeat this process two more times. You will clearly see that hard, shiny, polymer coating.
How to Season - Charcoal Side
1. Coat the interior hood, body, and cooking grates with 100% oil (Vegetable Oil, Olive Oil, Flax Seed Oil, or Shortening).
2. Build a pyramid of 10 to 15 charcoal briquettes and light with a fire starter or paper towel soak in olive oil.
3. Let it go for 45 minutes to an hour. Hint: until it's no longer smoking.
4. Allow the grill to cool enough to add another coating of oil.
5. Repeat this process two more times. You will clearly see that hard, shiny, polymer coating.
How to attach side fire box
Installing the Side Fire Box on your Char-Griller Grill is really simple and takes about 10 minutes. This brief video shows you how it's done.
How to care for porcelain coated grate
Porcelain coated grates should be cared for similar to cast iron grates and should be thoroughly and properly seasoned.
1. Using a paper towel or brush, brush the grill grates with cooking oil. We recommend vegetable oil, grapeseed oil, or bacon fat. After the grates are coated, you can place them in a 400-degree oven for an hour or on a 400-degree grill for 40 minutes. After time is up, let the grates cool down naturally.
2. It is recommended to regularly season your grill grates, especially when they are new. After you are done grilling, allow the grill to cool slightly and then get any burnt on residue off the grates with a grill brush or scraper. You can also use half an onion to clean off your grill grates.
3. After you have scraped the grill, dip a paper towel in vegetable oil or bacon grease and rub the paper towel all over the grates using a pair of tongs. Make four to five passes with the oil to ensure proper seasoning.
Gas side not lighting
Press the ignitor button on the Pulse Ignition Kit. Do you hear a clicking sound?
1. Yes: Try replacing the battery. See "How to replace ignitor battery".
2. No: The Pulse Ignition Kit needs to be replaced. Please contact Char-Griller Customer Service.
Gas side flames weak
1. Turn off all 4 burners, turn off the propane tank then disconnect the regulator from the tank.
2. With the tank disconnected, turn all burners (including the side burner) on high and leave them there for 5 minutes. This will bleed the grill out.
3. After 5-minutes, turn all burners back off and reconnect the propane tank.
4. SLOWLY turn the tank back on and then the burners. NOTE: In most cases, the safety feature is activated because the tank or burners have been turned on too quickly. These steps should remedy the problem.
5. If this does NOT resolve the problem the Regulator Hose may need to be replaced. Please contact us via our Contact Form.
Flat Iron Griddles®
How to season cooktop
Seasoning your griddle is easy, but takes some time to do right.
1. After taking your griddle out of the box and putting it together, you need to wash the griddle top with soap and water. Wipe as much water off the griddle top as possible.
2. After wiping down the griddle, turn all the burners to high and ignite the burners. Turn the burners to medium high and allow all the water to evaporate off the surface: about 7 to 10 minutes.
3. Once the griddle is completely dry, put two tablespoons of Flax Seed oil on the hot griddle top and wipe it all over the griddle with a paper towel. Make sure to wipe down the sides of the griddle, too. Holding the paper towel in a pair of tongs is the easiest way to do this.
4. The oil on the griddle top will smoke for about 15 minutes. After the smoke stops, put two more tablespoons of oil on the griddle top and wipe the griddle top down again. Repeat this process a total of six times for the best results.
5. After you have repeated this process six times, you are ready to cook!
How to clean cooktop
You need to clean your griddle thoroughly after each use. Once you are done cooking on your griddle, turn off all the burners and allow it to cool slightly. No more than 5 to 10 minutes. After the griddle has cooled a little, scrape all of the oil and food residue into the grease cup for easy disposal.
If your griddle has particularly stubborn food, use a Char-Griller Liquid Dispenser filled with water and squirt the water over the food. The heat from the griddle will cause the water to boil and help you scrape off the food more easily.
If the water still doesn't clean off the food, use coarse salt to scrub the food until it comes off. You never want to use soap and water on your griddle for cleaning after the initial seasoning as it can ruin the seasoning.
After cleaning your griddle, always coat your griddle lightly with oil before putting it away to help it last longer and protect your griddle top from the elements and rust.
Regular cleaning and care is so important to making sure your Flat Iron® Gas Griddle is at its best.
How to clean out grease
All Char-Griller Flat Iron Gas Griddles are equipped with slide out grease drawers for easy clean up. We recommend emptying the grease drawer after every cook.
Griddle not lighting
Press the ignitor button on the Pulse Ignition Kit. Do you hear a clicking sound?
1. Yes: Try replacing the battery. See "How to replace ignitor battery".
2. No: The Pulse Ignition Kit needs to be replaced. Please contact us via our Contact Form
Gravity Grills
I just got my grill and I have questions about assembly / missing or damaged parts in the box.
Please contact us via our Contact Form.
Why do I need to season my new grill?
Seasoning your grill helps to burn off any protective oils / dust / etc., left over from the manufacturing process. More importantly, this process helps to protect your grill from the elements and allows for easier / quicker cleanup after each cook.
I assembled my grill and it has protective natural oils etc., on its surfaces, how do I get it ready for my first cook?
Before you use your grill, you must burn off any factory applied natural oils, dust, leftover packaging debris, etc. This important step is normal for all new grills and will help ensure you avoid unnatural flavors and promote a clean cooking area.
Note: Make sure to remove all the packaging materials before the first burn-in. Check inside the grill and inside the hopper to ensure that all Styrofoam and other packaging materials have been removed. There is a protective covering on the hopper fire bricks that will disintegrate / burn off during the seasoning process and there is no need to remove it.
1. Add charcoal to the hopper so that it is 1/4 full (approximately 4 pounds of briquettes).
2. Follow the Lighting Instructions found in your Owner's Manual and then set the temperature to 350°F.
3. Once up to temperature, keep set temperature for 60 minutes.
4. After holding temperature for 60 minutes, turn grill off and allow to completely cool.
5. Season your grill (see FAQ - "How and when do I season my grill?"").
How much charcoal should I use?
Char-Griller recommends you only use enough charcoal for the expected cook time. This will depend on cook temperature, type of fuel, outdoor temperature / humidity and other factors. A good rule of thumb is that the grill consumes approximately 1 pound of briquettes per hour of operation at 250°F and approximately 4 pounds per hour at 600°F.
Can I use lighter fluid to start the charcoal?
Do not use gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid or alcohol for lighting charcoal. Use of any of these or similar products could cause an explosion leading to severe injury. Do not use instant or match-light style of charcoal briquettes. Use of these ignition accelerants voids the warranty.
For best performance, Char-Griller recommends hardwood charcoal briquettes, standard charcoal briquettes or lump charcoal.
Why is my fire going out?
Ignition first requires 3-5 minutes of charcoal activation from the open flame of a firestarter. After charcoal activation, ensure the fire shutter is removed, the fan cover is open, and the hopper and ash doors are closed. Finally, power on the controller and set your desired temperature.
NOTE: Do not use gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, alcohol for lighting charcoal. Use of any of these or similar products could cause an explosion leading to severe injury. Do not use instant or match-light style of charcoal briquettes. Use of these ignition accelerants voids the warranty.
Why is the controller not working / fan not turning on / grill not starting?
Check the following:
1. The power supply connection is plugged securely into the controller.
2. The power supply is plugged into a working outlet.
3. The controller is powered ON.
4. The hopper lid and ash pan door are closed and latched.
5. The fan door is open and the fire shutter is completely removed.
6. Ensure you are allowing 3-5 minutes of charcoal activation from the open flame of a firestarter before powering on the controller.
How do I cook with wood chunks?
Char-Griller recommends using dry wood chunks (no larger than a clenched fist). Add 1-2 chunks in the center of the ash pan. As embers from the charcoal fall into the pan, the chunks will ignite and smoke. Add extra chunks only once previous chunks are consumed. Do not add more than 1-2 chunks at a time or it may result in excess heat.
Can I leave my unused charcoal in my hopper between cooks?
Char-Griller recommends that you only use the amount of charcoal that you need for each cook so that there isn't any left when you shut the grill down but you can leave unused charcoal in the hopper.
Can I adjust the cook temperature during operation?
Yes, first press the Grill Temperature button. Then rotate the Control Dial to the desired temperature. Finally, press the center of the Control Dial to set the new temperature.
Can I line my porcelain coated cast iron grates with aluminum foil?
This product is engineered for optimal performance with free air flow. Constricting air flow will trap heat in the hopper, potentially causing damage. If using aluminum foil to reduce clean up, do not cover more than 1/3 of the cooking surface.
How often should I empty the hopper ash pan?
Ash absorbs moisture which causes corrosion. Char-Griller highly recommends you empty your hopper ash pan after every cook.
I still have questions about operating my grill.
More detailed FAQs about the Char-Griller Gravity 980 Charcoal Grill.
Please also review the Operating Instructions in your Owner's Manual for detailed pictures, instructions and warnings on how to use your grill. If you still have questions, please contact us via our Contact Form.
AKORN Auto-Kamado Grills
How do I set the damper?
The controller will display a suggested damper setting for 5 seconds, adjust as needed.
Once temperature is set, the fan will begin working to automatically control your grill temperature. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes for the grill to reach your desired temperature. Once temperature is reached, you are ready to cook.

Can I adjust the fan speed?
Yes, first press fan button. Then, rotate the control dial (fan starts in AUTO mode and can be adjusted from 0 to 100). Finally, press fan button or control dial to set. Press and hold fan button to return to AUTO.
How much charcoal should I use
We recommend you only use enough charcoal for the expected cook time. This will depend on cook temperature, type of fuel, outdoor temperature/humidity, and other factors.
For low & slow (200-250 °F) or Hot & fast (375 - 450 °F) Indirect heat use approximately 1-3 lbs. of lump charcoal to build fire in the center of the fire grate. When coals ignite, close lid, and begin to regulate temp with controller.
For high temp searing & grilling (325-700 °F) Direct heat use approximately 2-3 lbs. of lump charcoal to build a fire in the center of the fire grate. When coals ignite, close lid, and begin to regulate temp with controller.
How long does my grill take to get to temperature?
Your grill will typically reach the desired temperature within 15 minutes. But many factors affect how long the grill grates and other metal surfaces will reach your desired temperature. This includes outside temperature / humidity, fuel type, fuel moisture content, among others. When preparing your meal, we recommend allowing 20-30 minutes before beginning your cook. As you learn your product, your prep time will adapt to your preferred fuel type and local climate.
My grill is getting much hotter than the set temperature. What is going on?
This would likely be due to the vent being open too far, too much charcoal being activated, or the fan being on manual.
How long will my grill take to cool down?
To extinguish the fire after a cook, it is important to eliminate all sources of oxygen that your fuel can use to burn. First, turn the controller OFF and unplug your grill. Next, close the grill body lid, damper and fan cover allowing the fire to suffocate. Do not store or cover the grill until it has completely cooled. Depending on your earlier set temperature, this could take a couple to several hours.
How often should I clean my grill
When finished cooking, clean your grates, and lightly coat with the high smoke point oil of your choice like grapeseed oil. This helps to both prolong the life of the grill and ensure it is ready to use the next time you fire it up. Once your grill is completely cool, empty your ash pan, recommended after every use. Only empty your ashes into a metal container and cover with water to ensure there are no lit coals.
Cleaning and Maintenance
How to season grill
1. Coat cooking grates, ash pan, interior hood, and body with 100% oil (Vegetable, Olive or Animal Fat, Bacon Grease works great and adds flavor). Heat the grill to 300-350 °F for an hour to an hour and thirty minutes allowing the oil to bake into the metal.
2. Let the grill cool down and go through the process again. You'll see the coating begin to cover the entire interior and after the third time, you'll see that dark bronze, shiny, hard coating. This polymer coating will protect your grill from rust and keep food from sticking to your cooking grates.
Note: We find it helpful to keep a spray bottle of 100% vegetable oil by the grill and give the entire grill a light coat after each use. Depending on how often the grill is used, will determine how often the Seasoning Process needs to be repeated. Seasoning the grill is NOT a one-time process and is best repeated at least twice a year
How to season grates
Using a paper towel or brush, brush the grill grates with cooking oil. We recommend vegetable oil, grapeseed oil, or bacon fat. After coated, you can place them in a 400-degree oven for an hour or on a 400-degree grill for 40 minutes. After time is up, let the grates cool down naturally.
It is recommended to regularly season your grill grates, especially when they are new. After you are done grilling, allow the grill to cool slightly and then get any burnt on residue off the grates with a grill brush or scraper. You can also use half an onion to clean off your grill grates.
After you have scraped the grill, dip a paper towel in vegetable oil or bacon grease and rub the paper towel all over the grates using a pair of tongs. Make four to five passes with the oil to ensure proper seasoning.
How to remove surface rust from grates
As long as the rust has not been allowed to build-up to the point that it has eaten through the iron, more than likely it can be removed. Surface rust can be removed from cast iron in several ways.
It's best to start with some type of abrasive cleaning tool when you are trying to get the rust off any type of metal. Wire brushes and steel wool are good choices for cast iron. You can attack the rust build-up with just an abrasive surface and your own muscle power or you can opt to utilize a cleaning solution to aid in your grill cleaning efforts.
If you like the idea of using a cleaning solution, consider trying one of these options:
- Vinegar: Rub the rusty surface with plain white vinegar at full strength and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Once the vinegar starts to dissolve the rust, use your wire brush or steel wool to begin cleaning the affected area. Repeat until the rust is gone.
- Baking Soda Paste: As an alternative to using vinegar, you can attempt to clean rust off cast iron grills and other metal surfaces using a thick paste made from baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the rust build-up and allow it to sit for a few hours. Then, scrub away the paste using an abrasive surface, repeating as necessary.
- Salt Paste: If you need something more abrasive than baking soda or vinegar to remove the rust from your cast iron grill, make a thick paste of kosher salt and water. Apply it to the rusty area, then use steel wool or a wire brush to scrub away the rust. Repeat as necessary. For particularly stubborn rust, you may need to begin your cleaning efforts with a salt paste but may find that you can switch to the less abrasive baking soda paste once the first few layers of rust have been removed.
Once the surface rust has been removed, it is imperative to provide a polymer coating to protect the raw metal from moisture in the air, or debris left in the bottom of the grill that holds moisture. Follow the Seasoning Instructions above to prevent rusting.
How to sand/repaint
If the grill exceeds 400 °F with the lid closed, paint damage can occur. Thankfully, that paint damage Is easily fixed.
Remove any loose paint, sand down the affected area and use a good high heat paint, such as Rustoleum for touch-ups. Rustoleum #241169 is a great match for our powder coat.
Remove sticker residue from lid
The label that is affixed to the hood is more easily removed when the hood is warm. Any remaining glue residue can be cleaned off with a spray lubricant like WD-40. Do NOT use any other type of solvent or cleaner because this will damage the finish/paint/coating on the grill.
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