Legacy Charcoal Grill

Legacy Charcoal Grill


The Char-Griller Legacy Charcoal Grill is the ultimate tool for charcoal grilling and smoking enthusiasts. Constructed with heavy-duty steel, this grill offers superior durability and performance that will last for years to come. The large cooking area ensures you can easily accommodate for large groups, making it the perfect choice for outdoor BBQ’s and other outdoor gatherings. Whether you’re a seasoned grilling pro or a novice looking to elevate your skills, this grill is the ideal choice for achieving perfect smoky flavor and texture that only charcoal grilling can provide.

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Perfect for Entertaining

The Char-Griller Legacy Charcoal Grill is the ultimate tool for charcoal grilling and smoking enthusiasts. Constructed with heavy-duty steel, this grill offers superior durability and performance that will last for years to come. The large cooking area ensures you can easily accommodate for large groups, making it the perfect choice for outdoor BBQ’s and other outdoor gatherings. Whether you’re a seasoned grilling pro or a novice looking to elevate your skills, this grill is the ideal choice for achieving perfect smoky flavor and texture that only charcoal grilling can provide.

FEATURES OF THE Legacy Charcoal Grill

  • Durable charcoal grill with 870 square inches of total cooking space
  • Heavy duty steel construction to ensure your charcoal grill lasts for years to come
  • Insulated grill body to maintain smoke and heat for fuel efficiency and supreme food flavor and texture
  • Dual damper controls to provide precise airflow control to achieve perfectly cooked foods
  • Includes premium porcelain-coated cast iron cooking grates to lock in food flavor
  • EasyDump™ Ash Pan to easily dispose of your ashes and continue grilling with ease
  • Large bottom storage shelf to keep all your grilling essentials within convenient reach
  • Side shelf for additional food preparation space
  • Convenient bottle opener to easily enjoy your favorite beverage while grilling
  • Includes one grill grate lifte





Easily dump your ashes and continue grilling with the convenient EasyDump Ash Pan. Spend less time cleaning, and more time grilling!


Lock in delicious flavor with the durable, made-to-last Cast Iron Sear Grates.


Dual damper controls to provide precise airflow in your grill, providing the perfect smoke levels for food that is juicy, tender and flavorful!


UNLEASH the Grill Master

Primary Cooking Area


Total Cooking Area



61 in.


51 in.


27 in.

Legacy Charcoal Grill Spec Image


How to Build a Fire
There are a few methods to light your charcoal grill, depending on the materials you prefer to use. Using a charcoal chimney is the Char-Griller® preferred method for speed and convenience but igniting your lump charcoal or briquettes directly in the grill is a great way to get cooking as well. Charcoal Chimney 1. Remove your grill grates and set them to side 2. Fill your charcoal chimney ¾ of the way full with briquettes or lump charcoal 3. Set fire starter on charcoal grate, light and then place the charcoal chimney directly on top of the fire starter 4. Coals will fire upward from bottom to top 5. After coals on top of chimney are ignited (usually 10-15 minutes) dump the coals over the charcoal grate and replace your grill grates Fire Starters 1. Remove your grill grates and set them to side 2. Pour approximately 3lbs (approx. 50-60 briquettes) of charcoal directly on to your charcoal grate and stack together in a pile 3. Insert fire starter into the middle of the charcoal pile so that it is slightly covered and light 4. After the charcoal has thoroughly ignited, typically glowing red or gray in color, use tongs to spread them out and replace your grill grates Do not use lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or other accelerant for lighting charcoal due to flammability, risk of bodily injury and potential to leave a distasteful flavor in your food. If necessary, use tongs to move coals for even heat. Always wear gloves when handling grill grates, charcoal grate, or adjusting coals
How to Season Grill Grates
Using a paper towel or brush, brush the grill grates with cooking oil. We recommend vegetable oil, grapeseed oil, or bacon fat. After coated, you can place them in a 400-degree oven for an hour or on a 400-degree grill for 40 minutes. After time is up, let the grates cool down naturally. It is recommended to regularly season your grill grates, especially when they are new. After you are done grilling, allow the grill to cool slightly and then get any burnt on residue off the grates with a grill brush or scraper. You can also use half an onion to clean off your grill grates. After you have scraped the grill, dip a paper towel in vegetable oil or bacon grease and rub the paper towel all over the grates using a pair of tongs. Make four to five passes with the oil to ensure proper seasoning.
How to Regulate Temperatures
Controlling the temperature of your grill is all about controlling the air flow to the fire. MORE AIR = MORE HEAT. LESS AIR = LESS HEAT. By opening and closing the top and side dampers, you can easily control the temperature of your grill. The amount of charcoal used when grilling can also greatly impact your ability to control temperature. Dampers may need to be adjusted during the cook to account for changes in weather like wind or to accommodate for more or less fuel. When first learning how to operate your grill, always use the same amount of charcoal to best learn your grill’s damper control.
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Legacy Charcoal Grill