Chimichurri Sauce
These Picaña steaks drizzled with chimichurri sauce will have your mouth saying, "More Please!" Bursting with flavor, we guarantee you'll want to grill these up for dinner.
12-24 hours before cooking, remove the picaña from the packaging and pat dry with a few paper towels.
- 3 pounds Picaña
Position the picaña so that the grain of the meat is running vertically and the fat side is on the bottom. Cutting with the grain, slice your steaks 2 inches thick.
Once your steaks are cut, use the coarse salt to season all sides of each steak. Be sure to get a good coating, all of this salt will absorb into the meat overnight. This is the beginning of the dry brine! Let the steaks sit on a wire rack uncovered in the fridge for 12 to no more than 24 hours before cooking.
- Coarse salt for dry brine
Prepare your grill for indirect heat and dial the temperature to 225ËšF.
Place the picaña steaks on the grill and cook until they reach 110-115˚F internal temperature. Once they reach this temperature, remove them from the grill, place on a plate, and loosely tent with foil.
While the steaks are resting, crank up the grill to 500ËšF and get ready to sear. Make sure it is HOT, you want to get a nice crust on the steak and fat cap!
Sear each steak for 60 to 90 seconds on each side. This step is about building a crust and finishing the steak so make sure you keep an eye on them and don’t overcook them.
Once steaks are finished searing, place on cutting board to rest 10-15 minutes before slicing and topping with chimichurri sauce. Enjoy!
Wash and dry both parsley and oregano (if using fresh).
- 1 cup Flat leaf parsley, packed
- 2 tablespoons Fresh oregano (or 3 tablespoons dry)
Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and blend on the low setting until everything is homogenous.
- 5 cloves Garlic
- 2 tablespoons Red wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 1/2 teaspoon Black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon Red pepper flakes
Taste to check seasoning and adjust to your liking.
Once completely blended and seasoned, empty chimichurri sauce into a serving dish and it is ready to go on top of the steaks.